Thursday, December 10, 2009

So this is my first blog post.... ever... and I'm curious to see how it goes.
I got my inspiration from a gay,17 year old American who plays hockey and AND in the closet. I got attached to his story and his posts ever since because I used to play hockey and I'm gay too! I don't have a cool story like his, or have any life changing situations going on that i could post about, but like I said, I'm curious to see how this goes.

I've also decided to use a pseudonym... because ya never know right?

I live in eastern Canada, where it's currently snowing/raining with a mix of 80 km winds... so yeah... sounds about right for eastern Canada.
I have a boyfriend, it's a long distance relationship, which some days, can be the hardest thing i've ever done, and some days i just think that he'll be here visiting again soon enough!!! ( he's coming for the holidays :D )

So I'm going to keep this post short for now, and continue my life's story along with other news in my next posts.

Oh, and I also have to figure out how to use this site, if anyone has any tips, or even questions for me, please leave comments.

g'night everyone.


  1. Hi Benny:
    Jim from Nice to see you blogging and that you were inspired by Mikey.

  2. AHHH Outsports! I've been checking your site religiously for the last few months. love all the articles and especially the eye-candy!!

    you take part in what makes internet surfing enjoyable.
