Friday, December 11, 2009


So we have this sweet sushi place downtown (where that picture was taken) and a few among our group of friends go there every tuesday for happy-hour. And let me tell you folks, sushi is the way to go. If you haven't tried it, I beg you to please do. I know you might be thinking... but it's raw fish, wrapped up in... what is that?
But the fish usually just tastes like meat really, and the stuff they mix it in (I'm still not sure what it is) only adds more flavor to it! And then you have your soy sauce and wasabi.
I personally hate soy sauce though. Looks like molasses, i also hate molasses.

The BF is here in 8 days. Let me tell you something. You know when you just want sex, in any shape or form? Like you just wanted something to rub up on you so badly. Well today was one of those days. And this countdown to his arrival isn't getting any quicker. Thankfully i still remember my ex's password for a gay porn site ... heheh...

Ok, I have some guilt on my chest here... For christmas this year, my parents and the bf have decided to pay for a trip to france to go visit the bf during spring break. And i've never been more happy in my entire life. ( I did a study abroad for the most of a year in France, which is where i met the bf) Going back to europe is going to be amazing. It's as if going there a 2nd time is better than the first. You can do a little bit of what you missed out. In my case, Amsterdam. When i hear the name "Amsterdam" i think of "home" "sanctuary" "paradise". Yet all i've seen are pictures. Can't wait to experience it for myself.

Well i must go. Some of the roommates and I have decided on sushi tonight lol (even though it's not Tuesday). I must shower and be presentable. The jogging pants are becoming a permanent clothing choice lately.

1 comment:

  1. I have never had the chance to try sushi so I'll take your word for it.
    Great that the bf is visiting - sounds like the makings of a very merry Xmas.What a great present a trip over seas - don't feel guilt, your parents and bf are just trying to make you happy and I imagine given the opportunity you would do nothing less if in their place - just enjoy.
    I have been very lucky and have been to Europe a few times [sadly I never made it to France] but I think the first trip is always a learning experience so when you go the 2nd time there is not the worry and you can relax and enjoy and as you say catch up on the things you missed the first time.
    Hope the 8 days fly for you.
    Regards Stef.
