Tuesday, December 22, 2009

So this is Christmas..

Well, I never realized I would never have the time to post as much as I wanted now that the bf is here. He brought me chocolates and some foie gras (which is like mushed up duck liver) but it's SOOO good. And there's something he has in a bag here, but instead of hiding it, he just leaves it in my room and then tells me I can't look in it... little fucker.

The rents are driving up tomorrow morning to pick us up, then a 3.5 hour long drive back to my home town.. well, I call it home town because that's what is usually referred to when people talk about where they're from. But I was actually born and raised in a little village. The bf and I have a hard time finding stuff to do in the city, not sure how we're going to manage back in my village haha.

I'm planning on just getting drunk off wine the whole time we're there, at least the time will pass and the sex on an air mattress will be interesting.

Oh and I got my plane ticket for France for spring break just a couple hours ago!!! WOOO

The bf keeps telling that I'm too stressed out about christmas, and that the holidays in France are spent relaxing and being happy. He has obviously never seen a north american christmas... I think I get it from my mom though. She's always stressed out, and most christmas's she just ends up crying for one reason or another.

Oh and this whole time, I thought the bf was nervous about going to my grand-parent's place and meeting the whole family. But he's actually really excited and says it's going to be an experience. Then I find out he's more worried about actually waking up with my family christmas morning and opening presents... I thought it would be the other way around...

I'll try to sneak in time to put up more posts.. thankfully he takes long showers ..

Oh and he tried fingering me the other night.. we were both surprised at the response my body had lol. I find it too painful for a dick to be in there.. but his finger was just fine. We might've discovered something here. lol


  1. I'm so glad your bf arrived safely and he is right take it easy - easier said than done. I was a bit pissed of yesterday = at the moment I have to use my old comp [the laptop as at the comp doctor getting fixed] and it was so hot here [100farenhiet] I just clicked on to this post an the thing just spat the dummy so I have had to wait till the cool hours of this morning to find out what happened and I was happy when I finally got to read your post. I really hope you guys have a great Xmas and that is super that you got your ticket to France - really something to look forward to.
    Regards Stef.
