Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My work

So these are a couple paintings I've done. The first was from last summer and the 2nd is from last month. Keep in mind, I only paint when I'm high, so this is what comes to my head (if i'm not looking at something whilst painting). But yeah.. this is my hobby.

It's funny because after I painted the trippy colorful one my friends kept rotating it and wowing over how it looked cool either way. The bf keeps telling me that the eye is His eye. But i tell him no because his eyes are shit brown and this one is pure lol. Poor guy.


  1. Those are amazing. I LOVE the eye.

  2. Like John I love the eye - but I might have to have mine checked Benny cause I'd call it blue.The trippy one is amazing cause even though you were high and let go with your shapes it is very balanced and structured - even the colours blend beautifuly.
    Regards Stef.

  3. Excellent work! You have real talent. I take it these are done in oil-based paint.

  4. Thanks guys! means a lot to me.

    I use acrylic paints for the ones I've already done. I'd like to try something like watercolours maybe. Or oil based, I just wouldn't know how to use them, I still don't think i'm using the acrylics how i'm supposed to lol.

    If weed can make me paint better, i wonder what it can do for other people's talents.

  5. Benny I don't think you need weed to do good work - but it must be fun experimenting eh!!!
    Lennon McCartney wrote some great stuff before they discovered drugs and great stuff afterwards.
    Regards Stef.

  6. Pretty freaking cool. I know it's a hobby, but do you sell these at all? I'd buy that trippy one for sure.

  7. I actually just sold the trippy one. It was Danni's friend who wanted to get it for his girlfriend as a christmas gift. SO i couldn't refuse or ask for a lot of money.
    But i'm glad it went to a friend.

  8. Benny- i love them- i love how intimate the eye feels and the other one is great too. you should definitely keep it up and i'm sure many people will be interested in buying other works of yours :-)

  9. weed helped me a lot in my talents. definitely. i've been sober for 6 month know so that sucks...
